
No More Hyperactive: Calming Techniques for Your Puppy

Dealing with hyperactive puppies is a typical challenge encountered by numerous pet owners. While it’s entirely normal for puppies to display bursts of energy, an excessive level of hyperactivity may result in destructive behavior, feelings of frustration, and an overall disorderly household.

Fortunately, there are effective strategies to help you calm your hyperactive puppy and create a more harmonious environment for both you and your furry friend. 

Regular Exercise and Playtime

Excessive hyperactivity frequently arises from an abundance of pent-up energy. Among the most efficient methods to tackle this issue is to ensure your puppy engages in consistent physical and mental activities. Participation in games such as fetch, agility, and the use of puzzle toys can effectively dissipate this energy while enhancing their concentration.

Structured Training Sessions

Integrating structured training sessions into your daily schedule can offer essential mental stimulation for your puppy. Teaching fundamental obedience commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” empowers your pup to develop self-discipline and enhance their conduct.

Positive Reinforcement

Acknowledge desirable conduct with positive reinforcement. Using treats, expressions of approval, and affection can serve as rewards for your puppy to demonstrate the desired composed behaviors. This approach also nurtures a stronger bond and trust between you and your furry companion.


Fostering interactions between your puppy and other dogs and people is of paramount importance for their growth and development. This practice aids in diminishing anxiety and overexcitement when faced with unfamiliar circumstances. Consider enrolling your puppy in puppy socialization classes to boost their confidence and nurture their social skills.

Create a Calm Environment

Designate a quiet and comfortable space for your puppy to relax. Use a crate, a comfortable bed, or a playpen. When your puppy becomes overly active, guide them to this area to unwind.

Consistent Schedule

Puppies flourish in structured routines. Create a consistent daily timetable for feeding, bathroom breaks, playtime, and training. This predictability can alleviate anxiety and minimize hyperactivity.

Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation holds equal significance to physical activity. Engage your puppy with interactive toys, food puzzles, or treat-dispensing toys. These activities challenge their problem-solving skills and tire them out mentally.

Avoid Overstimulation

Exercise caution to avoid overstimulating your puppy with an excess of playtime or attention. It’s important to recognize when your puppy needs a break and allow them to rest.

Professional Help

If your puppy’s excessive hyperactivity continues or becomes challenging to handle, it’s advisable to seek guidance from a qualified dog trainer or consult a veterinarian. They can provide specialized guidance and rule out any underlying health issues.

Unleash your dog’s full potential with Happy Tails of South Jersey, LLC – your trusted partner for professional Dog Training in New Jersey. Our skilled trainers are committed to assisting your beloved pet in evolving into the well-mannered companion you’ve longed for.

10 Secrets to Make Dog Training Session a Great Success

All dogs require at least basic training in learning manners and self-control. An untrained dog is just like an untrained child. Like your kids, your dog should learn some basic rules in their lives to live successfully with you in your home environment. Your dog should know that you are their reliable person. You control all necessary and good resources in their life and make critical decisions associated with their safety and well-being. 

If your dog doesn’t listen to you, you should consider dog training sessions to pay attention. If your dog doesn’t come when you call, you should train them to come to you. If your dog pulls while walking, you introduce them to start walking on a loose leash. Remember that they will not figure out the good behaviors until and unless you teach them. 

Puppy Training Near Me Marlton

If you start training your dog at a very beginning age, your dog will be much less inclined to develop major behavioral problems throughout its life. So please go through this post and know how to make dog training sessions in South Jersey a great success. 

  1. Introduce fun, structured play activities and training sessions to build a relationship with your fur friend. You both learn and explore new things every day. 
  2. If you want to raise a happy, well-behaved puppy, focus on doing exercise, mental exercise, and socialization. Your pup’s routine must include regular play sessions and new experiences. 
  3. Do dog training once or twice a day for five to fifteen minutes every session. It’s an average time, but you can do even more. Integrate training exercises into your daily activity to make a significant difference in their life. 
  4. Do practice in different varieties of environments. Start from a non-distracting place like your bedroom. After that, work your way up to challenging situations like the park. 
  5. Give rewards to your furry companion. Dogs often get bored like you. So you can use different toys, touch, praise, food, and some real-life rewards. For example, you can request your pup sit before you, play a game with a toy, open the door or invite them into your lap. 
  6. Follow your cues and rules consistently. You can request behaviors with the same verbal cue or hand signal every time. However, never allow a behavior sometimes and get upset with your puppy for doing it other times, like jumping. 
  7. Manage your dog’s environment to set him up for success. Never give them opportunities to get into trouble. After that, you will catch him doing good things that you can reward him. 
  8. Timing is critical. Let your dog know whether you like or dislike a specific behavior when it’s happening. If you do it after two seconds, it’s too late. 
  9. positively interrupt your dog. If you distract your puppy from something doing wrong, give your puppy something to do the right and make the proper behavior full of fun. 
  10. You should approach them positively while training your dog and try to let them have more fun.

When choosing reliable dog training in South Jersey, you should look no further than Happy Tails. For more information about our dog training packages, please contact us at (609) 636-6984.

Benefits of Obedience Dog Training Marlton NJ

One of the rewarding aspects of dog ownership is successfully training your dog. Dog training Marlton NJ is an excellent way to bond with your dog and will help you build a good relationship with them.

Whether old or young, every dog can benefit from some basic dog training programs. At Happy Tails South Jersey, our dog training Marlton NJ will make your dog’s life simpler by eliminating confusion. Whether it’s our basic or advanced obedience training, our dog training Marlton NJ will fulfill some crucial needs in your dog’s life including exercise, mental stimulation, spending time with you, and more.

Our expert dog trainers specialize in helping with behavioral issues like aggression, destructiveness, phobia, and excessive barking.

If basics like sit, down, come, and leave are what you are looking for, then look no further!

But what are the benefits of training a dog?

Teaching your dog basic obedience like come, sit, keep quiet, etc., allows them to stay indulged in the things they like to do. Also, you can take them with you to meet your friends and family, while they being under control and safe.

We all know how difficult it can be to manage a misbehaving dog. No matter whether you already have a good dog who just needs to learn a few basic manners or a dog that regularly gets into trouble and needs some serious etiquette and guidance, there are many other reasons why your dog could benefit from obedience training.

Closer bond with your dog

As per statistics, owners with behaviourally sound pets generally showcase a stronger bond with their pets. A well trained, obedient, happy, and easy to manage pet is meant to give you more pleasure thereby developing a stronger bond.


A well-trained, under supervision dog, is safer to be around friends and family. However, animals will be animals and can get unpredictable sometimes. A dog that comes back when it is called, has a positive impact on the welfare of himself and others.

Pet ownership

Pet ownership will be a joy and consume less time, energy, and resources.

Easy management

Obedience dog training Marlton NJ enables you to manage your dog more easily. This means they can be easily controlled and become a part of your family events often, instead of being uncontrollable and having to be left at home.

Your dog greeting someone politely, coming back when they are called, and walking safely and comfortably on a leash are basic desirable behaviors that obedience dog training teaches.

Social, friendly dogs

Socialization is an important aspect of every dog’s life. If they are to get along with other dogs, they need to learn how to respond to other dogs, and what is acceptable and not. Because your dog will encounter other dogs when going on a walk, for appointments at the veterinary clinic, or if they go into a kennel or boarding.

A well-behaved dog forms a stronger bond, interacts better with others, and experiences less stress. At Happy Tails of South Jersey, our team is committed to helping your dog live the happiest, healthiest life possible. So, contact us to schedule an appointment today.